Creating an API key

Create an API key with the correct scopes to access the API.

We'll walk you through the process of creating, managing, and using API keys for authentication. API keys are composed of a Client ID and a Client Secret.

These credentials can then be used to obtain an Access Token.


Creating credentials

You will need access to a Mention Me account to setup Client Credentials. Speak to the owner of your Mention Me account to gain access - or reach out to our support team if you need help.

Creating an API Key

There's a few simple steps to put together an API key.

  1. Visit the API pages in Settings for your Merchant

    Access the API pages from Merchant Settings

    Access the API pages from Merchant Settings

    API Settings page

    API Settings page

  2. From here, click on "Create API key" to setup your first key.

    Choose a name and purpose for your API key

    Choose a name and purpose for your API key

  3. Choose a name and enter a description. These are useful prompts in the future if you're trying to remember where this API key has been deployed.

  4. Choose the scopes for the API key. We recommend granting as few scopes as possible to limit security risks. Each API in our API Reference describes the scopes it requires.

    Select the scopes for your API key

    Select the scopes for your API key

  5. Once you create your Client ID and Client Secrets, it'll be presented to you and can be used to gain an access token.

    Your new Client ID and Secrets!

    Your new Client ID and Secrets!

  6. Jump into the API reference and start making your first API call πŸ˜€

πŸ” Security

The Client Secret and any access token should be kept securely. Ensure this it is securely stored and never exposed in client-side code or public repositories.

The Client Secret can only be viewed once during the creation process. If you lose it, you'll need to create a new key.

What’s Next

Now that you have an API key, you can get an access token