Rate Limits

Understand rate limits for the Mention Me APIs

Mention Me applies rate limiting to ensure we maintain a high quality of service for all users.

Rate limits are applied for the Merchant API.

Consumer & EntryPoint API Limits

No rate limiting is applied to the EntryPoint and Consumer APIs - however anti-gaming mechanisms are in place. These are confidential and are unlikely to be met in normal operation.

Merchant API Limits

The Merchant API applies rate limits over a 5 minute window. You may make as many as N requests in that 5 minute period.

e.g. if the limit is 100 you could:

  • Make 20 requests every minute
  • Make 100 requests in 1 one minute, then no more requests for 4 minutes

If you exceed the limit, a 429 error response will be returned.

We will return the following headers with each request (regardless of whether the limit is exceeded or not):

  • X-RateLimit-Limit - what is the limit applied to this API endpoint?
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining - how many requests can you make before you exceed the limit. If the number is 0, you will receive a 429 error
  • X-RateLimit-Reset - the number of seconds before the rate limit resets

The documentation for each API describes the rate limit that applies to that endpoint.


Hitting the limit?

If you're regularly hitting our rate limits, please speak to us - we can advise on optimal patterns to deploy or increase your limit depending on your use case.