Referee integration
How to build the "Find a friend" journey in-app
Name sharing is a great way for customers to share your brand with friends via word of mouth. They tell their friends to come to your app or website and enter their name to earn an introductory reward (provided they are a new customer).
Using the Referee API allows you to render a link/button in your customer journey so the prospective customer can find their referrer and get their reward. They will then return to your app via a deep link.

How to implement Name Sharing
Step 1
Call the Referee API passing parameters about the customer (if you know any details) and touchpoint. See the reference instructions for the Referee API.
Step 2
Mention Me returns a URL to the web view and a piece of text which you can use for the call to action. This would typically say "Been referred by a friend?" and can be edited via the Mention Me platform.
If we return an HTTP error code (e.g. 404) you should not show anything - name sharing is not available for that customer, your account, or that touchpoint.
Step 3
When the user has finished entering the name of a referrer, they may be asked to register their own email address to earn a reward or the promise of one. After this they will close the web view to return to the app.
If you can support it, we can enable an app-specific deep link call-to-action to go back to your app. Alternatively, the customer can close the web view to return to your app.
For some use cases, we also offer a Javascript postMessage to return the customer from this journey. To learn more, see our instructions on postMessage.
Frequently asked questions
Can I manage the referee journey on the web or in-app without tags?
Yes, you can invoke our referee name sharing journey via our API within your own IFRAME, and manage closing that IFRAME and applying a coupon when the journey successfully concludes, in your own checkout via postMessage. To learn more, see our instructions on postMessage.
When the referred customer arrives in our new customer journey, can we avoid them needing to enter their own email address again?
Yes, absolutely. We’ll capture their email address and can provide it in the link back to your app or website (base64 encoded if preferred), along with any coupon code, so you can use it to avoid them having to enter it again. Your client success manager can set this up for you.
Updated 3 months ago